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Pope Francis Visit with Third Systemic Sclerosis World Congress Participants

Pontiff Prayed with Patients from All Over Globe

Pope Francis Prays with scleroderma communityNearly 1,200 people from 53 countries attended the Third Systemic Sclerosis World Congress in Rome, Italy, in February 2014. The event focused on new and innovative research being done in the field of systemic sclerosis, and brought together leading medical experts, patients and industry professionals for a scientific-medical meeting and a patient education program. The three-day meeting offered more than 400 abstracts and 50 live presentations.

The Swiss-based World Scleroderma Foundation (WSF) led the international gathering of experts. The Belgium-based Federation of European Scleroderma Associations, A.I.S.B.L. (FESCA), spearheaded the patient education component of the Congress. The Scleroderma Foundation once again was pleased to collaborate with its European counterparts to help sponsor programming for patients. The Fourth Systemic Sclerosis World Congress is scheduled for Feb. 18-20, 2016, in Lisbon, Portugal.

On Feb. 5, 2014, Pope Francis met members of FESCA before the Third Systemic Sclerosis World Congress in Rome. Members received special seating in St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City for the Pope’s weekly general address. The Pope stopped to pray with some scleroderma patients as he met the crowd in the square. He issued a blessing to everyone participating in the World Congress.